
A Personal Problem, But What's More Important?

A personal story of mine: I have been trying to reach out to a certain person for quite some time with the Word and participating in Godly activities. We used to do this together all the time for a few years, but then it dwindled until it became practically non-existent. This person still claims to be a Christian, but whenever I try to approach them with doing the things that we used to do together they are pretty much never willing to do so. Sometimes they will say that possibly at some point they will, but then it never happens. I hardly ever go out of my way to ask them if they would like to do one of those activities anymore because I know what answer I will probably get, but moreso because they give me this attitude that they feel pushed if I do ask them. I don't understand why this person keeps behaving this way with me if they still consider themself a Christian and I am not even being pushy. I recently asked this person yet again if they would be willing to do a certain activity and they said maybe, but not with me, only with someone else. This really upset me because I felt like first of all, why is this person so against doing these Godly activities together and secondly why is this person so against doing them with me. They like to do some other activities with me, but when it comes to doing more Christian-type activities together, such as reading the Bible or watching a Christian movie or going to church suddenly it's like no. It really upsets me because I feel rejected and I feel like my Christian beliefs are being silenced, in the sense that this person doesn't allow me to fellowship with them as a believer. I am only allowed to do secular activities with them. I don't understand what they have against me, or against God perhaps? I am also the one that brought the Gospel message to them for which they got saved with in the first place. They really looked up to me and were heavily influenced by me. Now, when it comes to Christianity they treat me in a negative way. I prayed to God about this. Believe me, I have prayed many times concerning these issues. Even though I feel hurt by their negative attitude and treatment of me the thought came to me after prayer concerning this. A question popped in my mind that said, "What is more important: That they get the Word or that they get the Word with you?" I responded, "That they get the Word." Afterward, I concluded that even though I feel hurt by this person's attitude, I will feel grateful if they actually do Christian activities at all even if they refuse to do them with me; because I think them getting the Word in and fellowship is more important than my personal feelings of rejection and offense.

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