
halloween 2011

I will be passing out Gospel tracts and candy to trick-or-treaters on halloween night. I don't celebrate halloween and I haven't since the first year that I became a Christian. I personally believe that it's too pagan in origin and I felt that the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to not celebrate it when I first got saved. I didn't feel right about it even though it used to be my favorite day of the year before I got saved. But, I decided that I could take advantage of the fact that trick-or-treaters come to my house door-knocking every year and that only occurs one day a year, and I can give them Gospel tracts. There are different websites on the Internet where you can buy halloween-themed Gospel tracts for kids and teenagers. These tracts do not necessarily promote halloween, but use halloween as a theme for trick-or-treaters to present the Gospel to them. Also, giving them a candy to me makes it all the more worthwhile of a visit for them. That way, if they don't really like the Gospel tract (although the Gospel tracts are really cool) they can feel that they at least got something they liked out of coming to my house and maybe they will appreciate it more and want to come back again next year if they are still celebrating halloween (although I would rather they not celebrate it). I will report back here and give the information about my experience of halloween 2011. Please pray. Thank you and God bless.

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