
Just saw "Courageous"

I finally went to see Courageous just over a week ago with my husband and I think it's a really good film. I was very touched and blessed by the film for its message. There are multiple elements to the film that a person can enjoy: good message, faith, struggles, humor, etc. The DVD/Blu-Ray is supposed to come out in January. I highly recommend the film.


"I Am Vintage" - Christian Female Shirt

I really like this top from NOTW sold on c28.com but, sadly, it's been out of stock for a while.


Derrick Drover - God in the Straw

Live on 100 Huntley Street.

Derrick Drover
Singer / Songwriter / Musician
CD --Worship & Wonder -- Available online through his website.
Contact: http://DerrickDrover.com

The Greatest Story Ever Told

¡Esta Fue Tu Vida!