
How do you feel about Jesus?

I was taking a survey about local hospitals and how I feel about one in particular, and it listed several responses to choose from. It suddenly hit me that these same responses could be used to think about how you see your relationship in Jesus, basically how you personally feel about Jesus. There are a range of answers, some negative and some positive and some without any response. So, if asked what kind of relationship do you have with Jesus, how would you feel?

Enslavement - Feeling you have no choice but to use them
Aversion/Hostility - A desire to avoid them
Casual Buddy - Sharing a fondness for them but without long-term commitment to them
Courtship - A period in a relationship where wooing takes place
Best Friend - The strongest possible kind of friendship
Acquaintance - Knowing of them but not close to them
Love-Hate - A personal relationship involving simultaneous or alternating emotions of love and hostility
Dependency - A feeling that they are irreplaceable
Kinship/Affinity - Having an inherent liking or connection with them
Childhood Friend - A relationship formed years ago that is looked upon with nostalgia
Committed Partnership - A long-term voluntary union that is reciprocal in nature
Marriage of Convenience - A marriage contracted for reasons other than relationship, family, or love
None of the above
Don't Know

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