
What would it take?

I once saw a Christian short-film and I don't remember the name of it (like it if I could), and it was about a young man that is an atheist. No matter what God does to show Himself to him, that there is solid evidence/proof of God, the young man won't believe it. Throughout the film, you see different instances when you would think that finally the young man will believe, but everytime the guy just keeps denying it. It doesn't make sense. Eventually, after getting lost and terribly dehydrated out in a desert the young man passes out, becomes unconscious and during this He actually sees God with his own two eyes. He realizes this is real and not a dream or hallucination. He asks God why He never showed Himself like this to him before otherwise he would have believed in Him a long time ago. He decides that when he wakes up he's going to tell people that he's seen God that he now believes. But, when the young man becomes conscience and is asked what happened to him, the young man simply says, "nothing." He actually goes on continuing to deny the existence of God just as he always had.
I think the overall point of the film is to show that unless you are willing to believe in your heart, then no matter what God does to reveal Himself, you will still not believe. Some people think, if God did this then I would believe or if this happened then I would believe. But, the reality is that there is already evidence, proof of His existence everywhere. But, if you are unwilling, if you won't open your eyes and heart then no matter what happens you never will believe. It's not the lack of evidence that's the problem, it's your lack of a willingness to see and believe for yourself. It is through faith that you will truly see God.

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