
What Do You Have In Your Hand?

One of the cruelest parts of having an artistic vision, or even further still, any vision whatsoever, is that we can find ourselves stymied by a lack of resources to make that vision a reality. I’m willing to guess that each of you has something that you would like to achieve as an artist – a screenplay, a film, a score, a performance, or something else – but you hesitate to take that first step forward because you lack what you think you need – money, time, an agent, collaborators, or whatever – in order to fully accomplish it.

And so with no step forward, you continually find yourself in the same place.

I suppose there can be some wisdom in first determining what is necessary to achieve a calling. Jesus warned against building a tower without first considering what it would cost to complete it (Luke 14). But keep in mind that Jesus actually was using a metaphor for our spiritual lives, a cautionary word picture to remind us that following our spiritual calling is going to require great sacrifice. But He wasn’t saying that we should fail to embark on that calling altogether.

I know that at times I have found myself hesitating to step forward creatively or artistically because I lacked the resources I thought I needed, only to find out in the end that I actually had everything necessary to proceed, to take those first few steps, but just didn’t have the eyes to recognize it.

Take, just by way of example, the resource of money. How often have you put your artistic goals on hold because you said to yourself, “I don’t have enough money”? Money is, of course, a valuable thing to have in this life, and it is even necessary at times – although probably more rarely than we are willing to admit.

Money is power, but it is the lowest form of power. This may strike you as naïve, perhaps, but think about it for a moment. Money is based only on the value that people give it, but clear-thinking people have accomplished so much without it. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, much more has been accomplished without money than has been accomplished with it, and it is a wonder that we continue to make it the lynchpin of our endeavors.

Don’t get me wrong: money is something. But it isn’t everything. The lack of money or any other resource shouldn’t keep you from forging ahead in your artistry.

God called Moses to go to Egypt and turn an entire culture on its head, much like what He is calling artists to do today (Exodus 3-4). Moses, in a very human moment of self-doubt, questioned his own ability and resources, much like many of us artists do: “What if I don’t have what it takes to get the job done?” But instead of giving Moses political power or money or a conquering army to turn the heads of the ruling authorities, God responded with the simple question, “What do you have in your hand?” It just so happened that Moses had a humble shepherd’s staff in his hand, so God used that. And He used it to create a new nation and change an entire culture.

God wants to do the same in the calling He has given you. He wants to use what you already have to do a creative thing now. He has equipped you to be an artist today. Don’t allow what you don’t have to be more powerful than what you do have. Not having something isn’t really a barrier to creativity; it’s actually an invitation to more creativity.

So you have a creative calling, and you don’t know what to do next? Well, what do you have in your hand?

All my best,

Shun Lee
Hollywood Connect

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