
What If Believers Were Really United?

(from Pam Stone, Voice of Evangelism ministries)

Someone in the secular world made an observation about the Christian church in America. There were talking to a Christian woman who held a secular job that required the observation of groups of people to determine who might be a threat to America’s security. The secular unbeliever pointed out their personal observation that, in the Christian community, there was not one minister, one leader, or one individual who can unite the Christians in America; thus, the average Christian is not a threat to anyone.

This is sad but true. In America, the Christian church has been constructed with barriers and denominational walls. Often believers will fellowship only with those of their own belief system or denomination, and are uninterested in joining with others for the benefit of the kingdom. Secondly, in the Body of Christ, there is only a certain amount of money available for spreading the gospel. There are hundreds of radio and television ministers that are all reaching the same audience in North America and receiving offerings from the same people. The same is true in a local church. In a community there are only so many true believers who support local ministries with their income, and thus when a local church loses members to another, it impacts the ministries of that particular congregation.

If we would look to God’s Word and Christ as the head, or the leader, we would make decisions according to Scripture and we could impact the world.

It is rare for one church to reach beyond the 2,000 member barrier and retain the membership of everybody who is attending. There is no leader to rally behind. Men such as Billy Graham or the healing evangelists who lived in the forties and fifties are either retired or no longer living, while some have self-inflicted wounds and no longer have the voice to impact a multitude.

So why don’t we make Jesus the head of the church? After all, the church is not about a certain personality or earthly leader, but about men and women pointing us to a relationship with Christ and His Word. If we would look to God’s Word and Christ as the head, or the leader, we would make decisions according to Scripture and we could impact the world.

For example, if we stood on the Word of God, we would never vote for a candidate who is pro-abortion. Yet, every election cycle, there are Christians who gladly appoint a pro-abortion candidate to represent them. How can Christians who say they believe in the Bible, which teaches that judgment comes through the shedding of innocent blood, vote for a man or women who allows the slaying of infants in the womb?

Imagine the power of uniting around Christ and the Word of God. What if believers from all denominations would emphasize Christ alone and His ability to redeem and deliver world? What if they would focus on living by the Word of God, which is what we are commanded to do, anyway? The Christian community could literally be the driving force that reforms this backslidden nation and turns the tables in all branches of leadership. Believers could appoint people who have a higher spiritual, ethical, and moral standard than many of the liberals whose actions are bankrupting and bringing a curse upon America.

Even those who are responsible for the security of America see the church as a non-influential entity. Imagine how our spiritual adversary is looking at the North American church. It is yet to be seen the power and influence the church could have the moment we put our minds, spirits, and resources together for the kingdom of God.

Love and Prayers,
Pam Stone


©2008 - 2010 Perry Stone Ministries

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