
Every Young Man's Battle

It is estimated that 60% of all web sites are pornographic and that Americans spent $220+ million in 2002 at fee-based adult web sites. By the year 2005, the amount was expected to reach $320 million. The sex business in America is estimated to be a $13 billion-a-year industry. Every Young Man’s Battle is a video based on the best-selling book by the same title, authored by Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. Guardian Studios has incorporated the hard-hitting truth and biblical principles of the book into a captivating, informative docudrama that will challenge young men to choose a life of sexual purity. Included is an excerpt from Dr. James Dobson’s interview with serial killer, Ted Bundy, that reveals the damaging effects of pornography. The docudrama answers the following relevant questions: · Is it possible for me to live a life of sexual purity today? · Are there proven “strategies” that will help me to have victory over sexual temptations? · Is there hope for me or a loved one who is losing the battle?

Book: Every Young Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge

Book: Every Young Man's Battle by Fred Stoeker

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