
What kids wanted more than candy...

Chick Tracts

"The Chick tracts went like hot cakes. Many of the children were more interested in the tracts than the candy. I was astonished!" Email

"We have used your candy and tract idea for the last six years. Kids love Chick tracts. Some of them were yelling to their friends saying, 'Hey, they're giving out the good stuff over here!'" California

"Halloween was a blast this year. My family and I don't celebrate the holiday but we passed out tracts. The kids loved them!" Texas

"The first kids said, 'Books! Cool!' One little guy said, 'The candy goes in here but this stays in my hand!' He walked away reading." Wisconsin

"Some of the kids say, 'I got this one last year, can I have a different one?' So we know they read and remember them." Maryland

"This is an unbelievable idea. I got the gospel into every home in my neighborhood…and the kids came to my door asking for it." Email

"As a kid, I was reluctant to go to church but I always went Trick-or-Treating. One year, when I emptied my bag, I noticed a comic book entitled SOMEBODY GOOFED. I'm indebted to that unknown Christian for leading me to Christ. Thank you!" Email

"We wanted to pass out tracts for Halloween and it worked! When I told them they were comic books, everybody wanted one." Email


©2010 by Chick Publications

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