
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for week of Jan 14, 2011

The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Revelation 11:15

SUDAN—Southern Sudan Votes for Independence—The Associated Press

Jeremiah 33:8–9
I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me. Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them; they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it.’

Voters in Southern Sudan are flocking to polling stations to cast their votes on whether to secede from Northern Sudan. On Sunday, the first day of voting in the weeklong balloting period, 20 police died in an attack by Arab tribesmen, and 30 other people were injured. The south is widely expected to secede, splitting Africa’s largest country in two. The creation of a new nation would free Southern Sudan’s large Christian population from the harsh rule of the Islamic north and offer hope for an end to decades of violence. Pray for the voters’ safety as they head to the polls. Pray also that President Omar al-Bashir will allow the south to secede peacefully, as he has promised.

YEMEN—Christians Pray for Revival—VOM Contacts

Psalm 80:18
Then we will not turn back from You; revive us, and we will call upon Your name.

On Wednesday, Jan. 12, believers in Yemen will pray for revival in their country. In this poor nation on the Arabian Peninsula, many are without hope and under the bondage of Islam. Pray along with Yemen’s believers that the Holy Spirit will move in Yemen and that many Yemenis will see Jesus as the answer to their hopelessness. Pray that Yemenis will seek the God of the Bible, and pray that believers there will be bold as they share Christ.

IRAN—Governor of Tehran Promises More Arrests of Evangelicals—Mohabat News

Romans 13:5
Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.

In a speech in Tehran on Jan. 4, the provincial governor of Tehran, Morteza Tamadon, said several Christian pastors had been arrested and that more will be arrested soon. Tamadon described evangelicals as a “corrupt and deviant movement” and compared evangelical Christians to the Taliban. The governor said arresting Christians is justifiable as a defense against the cultural enemies of Iran. Recently, Iranian newspapers have reported the conviction of several Iranian Christian converts from Islam. During the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, security forces arrested and detained more than 60 new Christians in Tehran and several other cities. Their whereabouts are unknown. Pray that God will soften Governor Tamadon’s heart toward Christians. Pray also for the Christians who were arrested and for all Christians in Tehran.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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